Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
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Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath Closure - West Footpath

Due to essential works the West footpath will be closed on FRB to all pedestrians and cyclists except during weekends.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

The 135th Anniversary of The Forth Bridge

An enduring icon of Scotland

An Enduring Icon of Engineering & Culture

Recognised the world over, the Forth Bridge is a true Scottish icon symbolising engineering brilliance and Scottish pride. It celebrates its 135th anniversary on 4 March 2025. 

Completed in 1890, its striking design has inspired countless cultural references.

Featured in films The 39 Steps and Carry on Regardless, in 2024, the bridges fame reached dizzy new heights in an episode of The Simpsons called Ae Bonny Romance. And who can forget the famous Irn Bru adverts blending humour with heritage. Were you there in 2015 to see the projections of Irn-Bru bottles holding up the Forth Bridge?

The phrase 'painting the Forth Bridge' has come to signify endless tasks, reflecting its continuous maintenance until 2011.

On £20 notes, the bridge represents the history and values of Scotland, whilst on Ebay, one cheeky user listed it in the For Parts or Not Working category, attracting bids in excess of £69,000!

One thing for sure is that the bridge is still in full working order, forming a critical part of the rail infrastructure, carrying 200 trains daily.

A feat of Victorian engineering blending functionality and artistry, we're delighted to invite you to join us in commemorating the 135th anniversary of this magnificent structure. 


220116 Cruise Ship By The Forth Bridge
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Cultural Artefacts

For the 135th anniversary of The Forth Bridge, we're curating a collection of cultural artefacts. If you've seen the bridge on anything from a  teatowel to a billboard ad, we'd like to see a photo! Simply tag us on social media @theforthbridges 

Commemorative Events

Public Exhibition

Tuesday 4th March, 2pm-5pm

There will be public exhibition on the history of the Forth Bridge, including documentation and artefacts from the building and opening of the bridge, with an opportunity to view rare magic-lantern photography from the period, and see a demonstration of riveting by volunteers.

The exhibition is open to all and free to attend. 

Location: Transport Scotland Contact & Education Centre, Ferrymuir Gait, South Queensferry, EH30 9SF.

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Engineering & Heritage Presentations

Tuesday 4th March, 6-8pm

In association with the Institution of Civil Engineers Scotland, there will be series of engineering and heritage presentations on the history and construction of the bridge, restoration and maintenance, current activity and future plans and World Heritage Status. 

Advance booking is essential.

This free event will be viewable online for those unable to attend in person. 


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Background image - The Forth Bridge | Visit Scotland

Public Exhibition

Saturday 8th March, 10am - 4pm

A second chance to visit the exhibition.

In addition to the special exhibition materials, photography and riveting demonstration, there will be family education activities to join in - including the chance to inspect the Lego model of the Forth Bridge.

The exhibition is open to all and free to attend. 

Location: Transport Scotland Contact & Education Centre, Ferrymuir Gait, South Queensferry, EH30 9SF.

Background image - Outside Contact Ed Cen On Open Day

Location for Public Events

The public exhibitions and presentations will be held in the Contact and Education Centre. This is adjacent to the south end of the Forth Road Bridge, postcode EH30 9QU.

There is ample free parking and the centre is close to lots of bus routes that cross the Forth Road Bridge.

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Commemorate & Experience

An Epic Train Ride

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Forth Bridges Trail

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The People

The Bridge Builders

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The Grand Opening

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Voices from The Bridge

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The Structure

Facts & Figures

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