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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath Closure - West Footpath

Due to essential works the West footpath will be closed on FRB to all pedestrians and cyclists except during weekends.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Queensferry Crossing

A bridge to the future

The Queensferry Crossing is part of the M90. It is open only to motorway traffic. 

The Bridges Weather

Current Conditions
Temperature reading Temperature 9.2°C Wind direction reading Wind Direction WSW Max gusts reading Max Gusts 34mph Wind speed reading Average 24mph Present weather description Conditions Nothing obstructing horizontal visibility
Last updated: 23:47 on 24 Mar 2025

Innovative Bridge Design

The Queensferry Crossing opened to traffic on 30 August 2017.

The 1.7 miles (2.7km) structure is the longest 3-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world. It is also by far the largest to feature cables which cross mid-span.

This innovative design provides extra strength and stiffness, allowing the towers and the deck to be more slender and elegant.

The new crossing formed the centrepiece of a major upgrade to the cross-Forth transport corridor in the east of Scotland, representing a total Scottish Government investment of over £1.3 billion.

In total, the overall Forth Replacement Crossing scheme is 13.7 miles (22km) long, including major motorway upgrades to the north and south of the bridge and also the first ever use in Scotland of variable mandatory speed limits to smooth traffic congestion via an Intelligent Transport System. This also controls dedicated bus lanes within the motorway hard shoulders – another first in Scotland.

Queensferry Crossing

Facts & Figures

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Queensferry Crossing

Construction Gallery

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Queesnferry Crossing


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Queensferry Crossing

BBC Brainwaves Podcast

How many times have you turned on Radio Scotland only to hear that the Kessock, Skye and Dornoch bridges are closed to high-sided vehicles and that there are speed restrictions on the Forth Road Bridge?

The Scottish weather has a dramatic impact on Scotland's bridges, but if the scientists and engineers have got their sums right, that is about to change.

The Queensferry Crossing will be the longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world, it will be the highest bridge in the UK and with height comes wind.

But the "weatherproofing" design of this bridge means that there shouldn't be any closures and restrictions due to weather. Due to open in 2016 during Scotland's year of Innovation, architecture and design, The Queensferry Crossing is combination of all three of these elements.

In this episode of Brainwaves Pennie Latin meets the bridge designers and engineers to discover the science that is going into Scotland's latest feat of engineering

Listen to BBC Brainwaves Podcast >
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Queensferry Crossing

Queensferry Crossing ARC

Our story, your ARChive

Learn about the construction of the Queensferry Crossing through 3D animation, specially-created videos and an archive of on-site photography and articles.

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Queensferry Crossing

Queensferry Crossing YouTube Channel

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Queensferry Crossing

Frame the Bridge

Online interactive mosaic

Frame the Bridge called on members of the public to document the Queensferry Crossing’s construction by submitting photos of themselves, their families and their friends in front of the iconic structure as it grew.

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Queensferry Crossing

Bridge Webcams

Live panoramic webcams & traffic cams
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Naming the Crossing

A public vote was held to confirm the name of the new crossing. 

Shortlisted names were: Caledonia Bridge, Firth of Forth Crossing, Queensferry Crossing, Saltire Crossing, and St Margaret's Crossing

Queensferry Crossing won, attracting over a third of all votes cast.