Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing >
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge >
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge >
Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath Closure - West Footpath

Due to essential works the West footpath will be closed on FRB to all pedestrians and cyclists except during weekends.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Cruise Call Schedule

July 2024

2 Celebrity Silhouette, Tendering to South Queensferry

3 Jewel of the Sea, Tendering to South Queensferry

11 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

12 Balmoral, Departing from Rosyth

13 Artania, Docking at Rosyth

14 Viking Neptune, Docking at Rosyth

16-17 Nieuw Statendam, Tendering to South Queensferry

18 Rotterdam, Tendering to South Queensferry

22 Balmoral, Departing from Rosyth

23 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

26 Caribbean Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

27 Costa Favalova, Tendering to South Queensferry


August 2024

2 Balmoral, Departing from Rosyth

3 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

7 Balmoral, Docking at Rosyth

15 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

18 Amadea, Departing from Rosyth

21-22  Nieuw Statendam, Tendering to South Queensferry

22 Balmoral, Departing from Rosyth

23 Viking Venus, Docking at Rosyth

24 Sirena Two, Docking at Rosyth

28 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

28 Le Dumond D.Urville, Docking at Rosyth

31 Amadea, Docking at Rosyth

September 2024

1 Queen Mary II, Tendering to South Queensferry

4 Aida Luna, Tendering to South Queensferry

5 Nieuw Statendam, Tendering to South Queensferry

8 Caribbean Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

9 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

11 Le Dumont D.Urville, Departing from Rosyth

12-13 Costa Favalosa, Tendering to South Queensferry

21 Regal Princess, Tendering to South Queensferry

Background image - 220116 Cruise Ship By The Forth Bridge

Cruise Visitors


Queensferry may be just over 15 minutes by train from the centre of Edinburgh but it feels like a typical east coast fishing village.

Spend a while here to ‘get under the skin’ of everyday life in a historic Scottish community. There’s plenty to see and do and you can easily explore on foot for a relaxed alternative to the shuttle bus.

Take a look at our itineraries and essential information to make the most of your time in this charming wee town and UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Cruise Visitors Info >


Every effort has been made to ensure these schedules are accurate and up to date. However, we accept no responsibility for errors and you should check with the operator before making a special journey to see the cruise ships. Please be aware that schedules are subject to change due to operational reasons, inclement weather etc.