Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
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Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpaths and cycleway - West Footpath Closed Except Weekends

Due to essential maintenance the West Footpath is closed, except weekends.

High Winds - Forth Road Bridge

Caution - High Winds on the Forth Road Bridge

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Halloween at The Forth Bridges

13 October 2023

Spooky Happenings Around The Bridges

With All Hallows Eve coming at the end of half term, there’ll be spooky happenings around The Bridges. From pumpkin trails for little ones to immersive frights for grown-ups, here’s our round up of what’s on.

Steam and Scream
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th October, Bo-Ness and Kinneil Railway
Depart after dark on a historic steam train to haunted Birkhill and return to complete a spooky trail in the Museum of Scottish Railways.
> Steam and Scream

Halloween Party
Saturday 28th October, Honey Pot Creative Cafe
Celebrating all things spooky with Halloween games such as dooking for apples and spooky boxes. Make and then erupt your own clay Skull and take it home to erupt it again and again in front of your friends and family. We'll be making slime to impress and there will be some Halloween treats (and maybe one or two tricks too!)
> Halloween Party

Spirits of The Palace After Hours Tour
Saturday 14 and 21 October, Culross
Find out about the fascinating spirits of Culross Palace on this exclusive after-hours tour.
Spirits of The Palace

Pumpkin Trail and Haunted House Tour
Various Dates, House of The Binns
Legend has it that the House of The Binns is haunted General Sir Tam Dalyell (‘Bluidy Tam’) galloping across the grounds on a ghostly white stallion. For Halloween, you can take a guided tour of the haunted house to hear macabre tails of the General. If that sounds too scary, there’s a wee pumpkin trail in the grounds and the Scrummy Yummy Food Truck will be on hand to serve hot drinks.
> Haunted House Tour
> Pumpkin Trail

The Potion Makers Quest
Various Dates, Aberdour Castle, Blackness Castle and Linlithgow
Do you know your mugwort from your mallow, and your teasel from your thyme? On this family Halloween trail, you’ll hunt for the potion ingredients and find them all to collect your prize.
> The Potion Makers Quest

Pick Your Own Pumpkin and Halloween Spooktacular
Various Dates, Craigies Farm
Pick your own pumpkin and brave the spooky tunnels by daylight or the haunted tunnels after dark. With spiders, scarecrows, skeletons and ghosts, there’s plenty to get you into the Halloween spirit.
> Halloween at Craigies

Halloween Shenanigans
Saturday 28 October, Culross
A special day of hunting for the munchy crunchy and the squeaky, slithery, creepy crawly things around the Palace.
> Halloween Shenanigans

Halloween Festival and Fireworks
Various Dates, Conifox Adventure Park
Enrol in the broomstick flying school, brave the witch’s labyrinth and enjoy an evening of fire and fireworks.
> Halloween Festival and Fireworks

The Silver Scream
27 October, Linlithgow Palace
A haunting screening of The Last Man on Earth (1964) in the historic Linlithgow Palace.
> The Silver Scream

Spooky Seas
Various Dates, Deep Sea World
Search for hidden pumpkins, learn about the creepy adaptations of fish, and enter your costume in the fancy dress competition.
> Deep Sea World


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. However, we accept no responsibility for errors or omissions. You are advised to check with the provider and book in advance of making a special journey.

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