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Squares Forth Bridge (1)
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Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath/Cycleway Restrictions - WEST FOOTPATH - CLOSED (Open at Weekends)

Due to essential maintenance the WEST Footpath/Cycleway is CLOSED except during weekends . please use the EAST Footpath/Cycleway.

Roadworks - Both Directions

There are roadworks in both directions.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Rail Safety Goal for North Queensferry Kids

13 November 2017



Rail Safety

13 November 2017

A youth football team based in North Queensferry has won a valuable sponsorship deal with The Forth Bridges as part of a safety campaign aimed at keeping kids safe near the railway.

North Queensferry FC’s 2004 squad will sport the Forth Bridge logo on their training tops as part of the deal, which will require the team to participate in safety briefings with British Transport Police.

Mark Henderson, community development manager for the ScotRail Alliance said:

“Sadly, across the UK, there are dozens of instances every year where youth trespass on the railway results in death or serious injury. Network Rail and ScotRail look for interesting ways to engage with young people and discourage them from trespassing. We encourage participation in sports and clubs and, in turn for our support, we work with the British Transport Police to tell kids about the risks of playing near the railway.

“The boys playing at North Queensferry FC come from across southern Fife and we’re pleased to be able to offer our support this season. Network Rail plays an active part in the Forth Bridges Forum, so we are happy to make use of the new Forth Bridges logo to make the sponsorship more relevant to the kids participating.”

Colin Sullivan, head coach for North Queensferry FC said:

“We’d like to thank Network Rail for their support – we’re very proud to be a North Queensferry team sporting the Forth Bridges logo. We understand the value of giving teenage boys an outlet and we are committed to keeping football free as much as possible for the kids playing at our club.

“Providing a club and facilities is a valuable way to keep kids out of illegal and potentially dangerous pursuits such as playing on the railway.”

PC Ross Millar, from British Transport Police said:

“The railway is a valuable transport link for Fife but unfortunately, it can also be a draw for bored kids. The railway isn’t a playground – it’s a dangerous environment and trespass is a criminal offence. We’re pleased to be supporting this initiative through safety discussions with the team and wider support for the railway’s efforts to tackle trespass and vandalism.”

The Forth Bridges logo has been developed by the Forth Bridges Forum to help promote the Three Bridges location. The Forth Bridges Forum is a Transport Scotland-led management forum, established to make sure that those with a direct interest in the bridges stay at the heart of their operation and maintenance.

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