Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing >
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge >
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge >
Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath Closure - West Footpath

Due to essential works the West footpath will be closed on FRB to all pedestrians and cyclists except during weekends.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Forth Bridges Trail

A circular walk

Three bridges spanning three centuries, magnificent views over the Firth of Forth, historical facts, mythical tales, urban wildlife and the historic settlements of North and South Queensferry. It's all yours to discover on the new Forth Bridges Trail.

Explore at Leisure

The iconic Forth Bridges and historic communities

The Forth Bridges Trail is a circular walk that takes in the iconic Forth Bridges and the distinctive historic communities of North and South Queensferry.

The trail is approximately 5 miles. You can start it at any point with plenty of stops on the way. 

The area is rich in history, heritage, wildlife, nature and beauty. And you’ll get some pretty impressive views of the bridges.

The trail will take you across the bridges by foot, cycle or train to explore both sides of the Firth of Forth. You can also take a boat trip under the bridges. 

We’re excited to share the story of the bridges and some of the history, quirks and characteristics that make this area so special.

Follow the trail signs to look out for the world’s smallest working lighthouse, the rock ledges where ferries landed, and Hawes Inn, mentioned in Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel Kidnapped.

Read tales of the Butlaw Fairy, the ghostly howl and the monkey's revenge. And most of all, enjoy the three bridges spanning three centuries.

Start the Forth Bridges Trail

Pick any of the trail stops below to begin your circular walk

Railway Station

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Nqstation2

The Brae

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Brae2

War Memorial

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Warmemorial5

Deep Sea World

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Deepseaworld2

Albert Hotel

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Alberthotel2

Town Pier

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Town Pier Trail Stop  | NQHT

Battery Road

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Batteryroad5

Battery Road Car Park

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Batteryroadcarpark3

Battery Point Picnic Area

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Batterypointpicnicarea

Railway Pier

North Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Railwaypier1

Forth Road Bridge

North Tower
Trail Stop >
Background image - FRB West Walkway From North End

Forth Road Bridge

South Tower
Trail Stop >
Background image - South Tower Close Up 280217

Forth Bridges Viewpoint

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Forthbridgeviewpoint

Port Edgar

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Portedgar1

The Binks

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - The Binks with Mark

The Harbour

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Harbour2


South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Bellstane1

High Street Steps

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Highstreetsteps3

High Street

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Highstreet7

Seals Craig

South Queensferry
Seals Craig Trail Stop
Background image - Sealscraig4


South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Hawes6

Dalmeny Station

South Queensferry
Trail Stop >
Background image - Dalmeny1

Trail Map

A4 Download & print
Download Map
Background image - Forth Bridges Trail Map
Background image - Railbridge1

Top 10 Bridge Viewpoints

Where will you capture your best shot?
Top 10 Forth Bridge Viewpoints

Forth Bridges Trail Map

For North & South Queensferry

You can also use ///what3words to guide you to the trail signs. The ///what3words reference is given on each trail stop page. 



Forth Bridges Trail Map