Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
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Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge >
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge >
Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpaths and cycleway - West Footpath Closed Except Weekends

Due to essential maintenance the West Footpath is closed, except weekends.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge
Forth Bridges Trail

Battery Point Picnic Area

Trail stop


GPS 56.006455, -3.390746

Prisoners and Plague Victims

From here you are very close to the Forth Bridge and can see Inchgarvie Island which has a fascinating history. 

The island has served as a prison, a place of exile for plague victims and an important defence base during the Civil War, the Napoleonic War and World War II.

You can also see Inchkeith Island with its distinct orange lighthouse, that featured on BBC Scotland’s Scotland from The Sky. There are incredible human tales of early-day language experiments and the island as a place of exile for syphilis sufferers.

The picnic area was refurbished with benches by Network Rail. The children from North Queensferry Primary School teamed up with Network Rail and Balfour Beatty's Forth Bridge team to plant trees and flowers.

Where Next on the Trail?

The trail stop is a dead end so you will need to re-trace your steps to re-join the trail.
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Battery Road Carpark

North Queensferry


GPS 56.007937, -3.392675

Battery Road Trail Stop

Railway Pier

North Queensferry


GPS 56.008314,-3.398944

Battery Road Trail Stop >
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Trail Map

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Forth Bridges Trail Maps

For North & South Queensferry

You can also use ///what3words to guide you to the trail signs. The ///what3words reference is given on each trail stop page. 

Forth Bridges Trail Map