Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
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Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge >
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge >
Squares Queensferry Crossing (1)
Queensferry Crossing

Open to general traffic, subject to normal motorway restrictions

Road User Guide
Squares Forth Road Bridge (1)
Forth Road Bridge
Footpath/Cycleway Restrictions - WEST FOOTPATH - CLOSED (Open at Weekends)

Due to essential maintenance the WEST Footpath/Cycleway is CLOSED except during weekends . please use the EAST Footpath/Cycleway.

Roadworks - Both Directions

There are roadworks in both directions.

Access Restrictions
Squares Forth Bridge (1)
Forth Bridge

Go Forth! Digital Learning Resources

A major new educational resource is now available to all Scottish schools, which utilises the output of recently completed 3D digital documentation of the three Forth Bridges to support the teaching of STEM subjects and the Curriculum for Excellence.

Cutting Edge 3D Laser-Scanning Technologies

This initiative has its origins in the Scottish Ten digital documentation project (www.scottishten.org), carried out by the Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualisation LLP (CDDV), a partnership between Historic Environment Scotland and The Glasgow School of Art. 

The Scottish Ten involved the recording of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in five different countries using cutting-edge 3D laser-scanning technologies. In 2013, the experience gained allowed the CDDV team to assess if it would be possible to record the Forth Bridge to help support its nomination for inclusion on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. 

Having demonstrated that a survey was possible, the recording of all three Forth Bridges commenced in 2015 with funding from the Scottish Government. Click here to see a film about 3D Forth Bridges Digital Documentation Project  and follow the links on this page to read the team’s fieldwork blogs.

The next phase was to create photo-realistic 3D models from the accurate point cloud data. Click here to see an animation of the 3D models.

With digital models for all three Bridges complete, work commenced on generating learning resources designed to inspire school pupils, the aim being to generate an interest in the Bridges themselves, and to stimulate an enhanced take-up in associated science and technology subjects.

Working with the assistance of technical teaching expertise from Dundee City Council, CDDV has used its enormous digital datasets to create several teaching packages which incorporate lesson packs, practical resources and games, all of which are available through the Glow network. These include:

  • Go Forth and Discoverdigital game and lesson pack (also available through Glow).
  • Go Forth and Design – Tinkercad resources and lesson pack (available through Glow).
  • Go Forth and Create – Scratch coding resources and lesson pack (available through Glow).
  • Go Forth, See and Hear – 360 virtual reality experiences, available here.
  • Go Forth and Explore – location-based app, available through iOS and Google Play stores.

Sizeable data management challenges

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Ground Control

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Scanning the Forth Bridges

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The Forth Bridge

Digitally Documenting an Icon
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